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What Intuition Isn't

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  • “Intuition is not magic and it certainly can’t tell you what to do.”
  • Intuition doesn't have the ability to tell you what to create. That's your job. You have to decide what it is you want and intuition can support you to bridge the gap.
  • “If you don’t know how to spot an emotional pattern, we’ll often accidentally call that pattern ‘intuition’. The problem with that is that an emotional pattern won’t create new results, true intuition will do that.”
  • If you’re looking for tips on how to recognize what intuition is not (so that you can spot it when it’s actually there), this episode is for you.
  • Watch the video to get the full training.





 Full Transcript:


[The following is the full transcript of this episode of Joey’s Performance Tune Up With Joey Klein. Please note that this episode, like all episodes, features Joey speaking unscripted and unedited. This video is captured in one take.]


This session, we are going to cover what intuition is not. And I know that that is a little different take than what you probably hear around intuition. And the reason that we're going to start in this session with what intuition is not is so that we can start to pay attention to where we often mistake intuition, what we often mistake intuition for. And if we are engaging in life and we believe that we're leveraging intuition, but in actuality, it's not intuition, we're not going to get the results that we could be getting if we were actually in that flow state and leveraging intuition and the intelligence that intuition gives us access to. 


So, you know, oftentimes people think, or they'll come to me and they'll say, Joey, I'm just not very intuitive, or intuition doesn't work for me. And when we break it down and I start asking some questions, I realize that they're either trying to use intuition in a way that it isn't useful, right? It doesn't do that job, or it's not effective for the way they're trying to use intuition, or they are mistaking other things and calling it intuition, which we'll talk about here in a moment. In later videos and later trainings, I'll go over what intuition is and also how to leverage intuition, how to train it a little bit. And then one day, you can do the deep dive and come to power of intuition, where we spend a whole weekend on really dialing this process in. 


And so when we think about, well, what intuition is not, the biggest thing is it's not some magical, mysterious force out there that gives you access to all knowledge. So, meaning, a lot of times, people will sort of rely on intuition in a way where they might close their eyes a moment or they just sort of pose a question kind of out there to the universe, and they go, what should I be when I grow up? Okay, like, what job should I do? Or, hey, like the teenage game, who should I date? And you pulled out your ouija board or your magic eight ball, like, is this the one for me? And you shook it, and it was like, it's unclear now. And you're like, well, get clear. And you shook it again, right? No, that's not intuition. It's not how intuition works, because it's too abstract. Intuition doesn't have the right materials that it needs to do its job. 


Okay, so intuition doesn't tell you what to create. It tells you how to create it. I'm going to say that again. Intuition doesn't have the ability to tell you what to create. That's your job. You have to decide, I want this kind of relationship, or I want X kind of career, or I want to make this kind of money, or I want to be in this kind of shape, or whatever that might be. Intuition doesn't have the ability to tell you the what. It has the ability to act like a bridge to kind of give you the how. The other thing, intuition is not, so it's not magic, right? The other thing, intuition is not is it's actually not your gut instinct. 


So, so many times, growing up, I got that advice from my parents, and they were well meaning, and they said, well, Joe, what does your gut say? Like, follow your gut, follow your instinct. And although that can work well in some instances, as it pertains to transformation, advancement, and growth, it actually works against you. Because where your gut instinct comes from is you have neurons similar to the neurons in your brain, in the lining of your stomach, of your intestines, of your gut. And essentially, the reason for those is when we identify a threat, they go and they say, shut down your digestive system. So all of the energy that you have in the body can go to fighting or fleeing, right? So you have energy to literally survive. 


And what a lot of people don't realize is fear based emotions like anxiety, or panic, or insecurity, or  unworthiness, or guilt or sadness, anger, those are all fear  based mechanisms as far as your brain is concerned. And when those emotions are active or triggered or turned on, or we're in those experiences, the gut instinct is emotional pattern that is identifying a threat of some sort and then basically giving you advice on how to get away from that threat. And a lot of times we mistake that process for intuition, and we go, man, I just feel like something's not right there. I just feel like the job's not for me. I feel like it's time for me to leave. I feel like this just isn't the person for me. I feel like this isn't the right protocol. I just am not the one who can lose weight. And we start to avoid the things accidentally that often are what are going to take us to the outcome that we're looking to take. 


And the reason this happens is because if there's an outcome you want to create a result that you want in your life that you've never known before, then right now, your emotional patterning is not equipped to take you there. It's not aligned in a way that's going to produce that outcome and the result. Meaning, when your nervous system perceives the unknown, an action you've never taken before, you're perceiving something you've never done before. You're taking on a new idea or belief construct or a new thought construct, or somebody introduces a new   philosophy or perception of reality that says, hey, you need to think about money differently, or you need to think about relationship differently, or you need to reidentify what trust is for you or what you believe to be a betrayal or things like this. It's like our initial reaction to those changes is often going to be overwhelm, fear, anxiety, apprehension, et cetera, because it's new and it's different, right? 


And so if we're listening to our gut and we feel uncomfortable in relationship to the new action or the different philosophy or belief structure or way of being that we must adopt, that actually takes us to the outcome result, and we mistake that for intuition, we're literally going to avoid the very thing that's going to take us to the life we want to live. And initially, when we take those first steps toward true transformation, true evolution, the true reemerging of yourself and the elevation of yourself into a new being, a new person, a new reality, there's an initial apprehension there. There's going to be an initial just instinct of fear that shows up until it becomes normalized and we become familiar with it and we go, oh, yeah, I don't know why I ever did or believe the other thing. This makes so much sense. And then it gets us new results, right? 


And so that's why we say, intuition is not a gut instinct. It is not emotional pattern, because the emotions we feel today are a byproduct of our training and conditioning from the past. And we can't rely on the training and conditioning from our past. If we want to produce new results in our future. We've got to start to align our emotions and our thoughts and our beliefs, belief constructs and our philosophies, our principles, in a new and different way that conditions different emotional patterns that then align us with where we want to go. So we got to relate to the future, not the past. And our gut instinct is always relating to the past, not the future. So I'm going to say that one more time. Gut instinct, emotional patterns are always relating to the past, not the future that you want to create or the future version of yourself that you want to become. 


And so when you're moving through your day, what you can start to play with is you can go, hey, when I'm looking to intuition to guide my path. Am I clear on what I want right now? Because if we're looking to intuition to tell us what we want, or what we should create, or who we should be with, or what it is we should do for a living, or what I should be when I grow up, intuition is going to fail at that. And so, if you notice, hey, I'm not clear on what I want right now, then our first step is to get clear about that and understand intuition is not able to help us in that way. Intuition can tell us how to get there. It can't tell us what it is we should strive for. And then the second thing that you can do to pay attention, hey, am I aligned with intuition right now or not? Is just take a moment and ask yourself, how do I feel in this moment? And if you're feeling calm, if you're feeling inspired, then you're more likely to be aligned with intuition. 


But if you notice you're feeling fight or flight response, you're feeling an ache in your stomach, you're feeling sad or unworthy, or anxiety, or overwhelm, or shame or guilt, or any of those fear based emotions, then those fear based emotions are a good indication that you're not aligned with intuition. You're aligned with emotional pattern. And emotional pattern is going to keep us from the clarity of intuition. In a rare case, and sometimes emotional pattern and intuition are going to tell you the same thing, right? When you connect with intuition, it says do X. When you connect with emotional pattern, it'll say do the same X. But what I find is that more often than not, emotional pattern, even still today, is telling me to do x, and intuition is telling me to do y. And y is always the correct action relative to the outcome that I'm looking to create. And so, hey, in this moment, am I feeling highly emotional? And if you're feeling highly emotional, well, then you know that we're probably not aligned with intuition. And our job is to do what we can to get centered. 


And we can teach you that in other trainings and other sessions. But the first step to really mastering intuition, training it, optimizing and leveraging what it can do for you, is actually first understanding what it's not so that we don't misfire. So play with these check ins, see how it goes for you. And I can't wait to continue on with you in our next session.