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Joey Klein Of Inner Matrix Systems Explores Business Relationships

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  • “Most people spend more time with their colleagues and the individuals they run their business with than they often do their own family.”
  • “Be intentional about the people that you choose to work with and the individuals you choose to engage with.”
  • “Determine if they're a value add in your life. And that they are willing and capable of doing the job in which they are inside of as their role for the company.”
  • If you’re looking for tips and tactics that help you thrive in your career, this episode is for you.”
  • Watch the video to get the full training.






 Full Transcript:


[The following is the full transcript of this episode of Joey’s Performance Tune Up With Joey Klein. Please note that this episode, like all episodes, features Joey speaking unscripted and unedited. This video is captured in one take.]


For most people, the individuals they work with are the people that they're going to spend the most time with. Most people spend more time with their colleagues and the individuals they run their business with than they often do their own family.


And so if we think about how important that is from a fulfillment and a development standpoint, we want to make sure that we choose the people we work with, you know, intentionally. And one of the biggest mistakes that I see people make in regard to their career is they're not intentional about who they're going to work with.


And sometimes we might go, well, you know what, Joey? Like, I work at this job. I don't get to pick who's going to work there. I'm just an employee. And it's like, well, you get to choose the company you work for. And so look at the people that are in that company. Think about the culture that's in that organization.


And is that something you want to spend years of your life doing? And are those the individuals and that the environment you want to spend a lot of your time in? Because you're going to spend a lot of time with your work. If you're running a company, it becomes even more important to choose your business partner and the individuals that you drive that company with.


And the people you hire becomes even more important because the people are ultimately going to define the success and or the failure of that company. But more importantly, they are going to either enhance your level of fulfillment in the life that you're living and your work and your career as part of that life, or they're going to diminish the quality of your life.


I can't tell you how many people that I've trained throughout the years where business partners didn't get along and oftentimes hated each other. And they're basically living in a war zone day after day, year after year, because of the people that they surrounded themselves by and the people that they continue to tolerate in their space.


And so be intentional about the people that you choose to work with and the individuals you choose to engage with. The people you work with are the people that you would want to do life with, the people that you'd want to hang out with, even if you're not at work and that you enjoy who they are and you share some common principles and virtues and things of that nature.


And from there, it's like the thing you want to look at is, is this person, you know, capable of doing the thing that is required inside of the job or the task or the role that they're in. And are they also willing? Because the other miss that happens so often is we like somebody very much and we go, man, I really enjoy this person.


And so but. But they can't do the job and we keep them around because we like them. That's not good either. We've got to go, man. Hey, you're not capable of fulfilling this role for the company. Let's find you another role that you're going to be capable in. Or it's actually a gift to them and you and those that are going to work with them to get them in another job, another company where they will be capable and feel great about the contribution in which they're making if they're not willing.


Like sometimes there's capacity there and you see potential in somebody and you continue to nurture them, hoping that they realize that capacity. But they are constantly showing you signs that they are actually unwilling to develop themselves and do the work in which is required to be competent and capable.


And so you want to make sure each of these things line up and you're going to set yourself up for a really extraordinary career and or business if you're running a company. And so you want to make sure like, yes, these are people I want to do life with. I enjoy these people. They uplift me.


Generally speaking, they're a value add in my life. And then they are willing and capable of doing the job in which they are inside of as their role for the company. And obviously that's a different skill set if you're an owner of a company as opposed to managing, you know, an administrative task.


And so if you put a little attention to that, you're going to set yourself up to really thrive in your career in a way very few people do, but also more importantly, have a ton of fulfillment and enjoyment along the way. And if you want to learn more about these types of tactics and strategies, check out my book Relationship Alchemy where we go a deeper dive into how to construct these realities for yourself.