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Joey Klein Of Inner Matrix Systems Shares His Vision For A 12 Foot Door

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  • “I started obsessing about the vision. I woke up and thought about it. I did my day and I thought about it.”
  • Every vision is a little micro reminder of the true power inherent in the mind. 
  • “You have to be willing to train your mind to function a certain way if you want it to be one of the greatest allies to create what you aspire to in your life.”
  • If you’re looking for tips on how to realize a vision, this episode is for you.
  • Watch the video to get the full training.





 Full Transcript:


[The following is the full transcript of this episode of Joey’s Performance Tune Up With Joey Klein. Please note that this episode, like all episodes, features Joey speaking unscripted and unedited. This video is captured in one take.]


Years ago, when I very first created and then fulfilled vision was when I was living in Los Angeles and I like each month would come and go and I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to pay the rent.


Every month I was like two or $300 short. And, you know, my friends used to invite me out and they'd be like, hey, let's go to dinner. And I would decline because I didn't have the 20 or 30 dollars to buy a meal and I didn't want them buying my food for me. And so I remember I sat down, I was like, man, If I had $5,000 a month, I could pay my rent, I could afford to pay my car, and I could do my martial arts training and I would have all the things I need, plus like a little extra cash to go out with my friends and have dinner occasionally.


And I remember like when I named that it was out of necessity and I focused on it obsessively. I thought about it all the time and, you know, ultimately I bridged the gap. And I hit that mark and ultimately went far beyond it. And today I really create in the exact same way.


The mechanics of vision and fulfilling that which we intend or that which you intend is the same. It doesn't change. The mechanics are the same even when you're creating stuff. Like, I did a remodel in my house recently and I told my contractor I want a door that basically fits that entire entryway.


And he was like, I don't, I don't. You can't get a door that big. I was like, we can figure it out. So he found a custom door builder and built a 12 foot high door that basically, as you see behind me, covers my entire entryway. And so, like, vision and the process of creating is just fun for me today.


Like, it's really kind of a unique thing and just a blast to be able to sort of intend things into existence. And this is 100% something that you can, you can do. And whether it's something that's necessary for you, like, man, I want to put my kid through college or I want to provide for my family in a certain way or something more extravagant like I want to take a trip or I want to remodel my house or I want to buy a new home.


I was working with a client just earlier today and she's like, joey, I'm in my dream house. I just bought my brand new home. This would have never happened without training with you. I would have never imagined I could have lived in a place like this. And so, like the process of vision and creation is 100% possible.


And it all starts with you giving yourself permission to believe in that which is possible for you and naming it and having the courage to go out and create it unapologetically. Understand that if you create and fulfill the vision for your life that you want, you're the one that's going to answer to it.


Nobody's going to care if you create your vision. Nobody's going to care if you don't create your vision. But you will. And so give yourself permission to aspire to the most brilliant life that you could imagine fulfilling for yourself and start taking steps toward it.