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Joey Klein Of Inner Matrix Systems Urges You To Get Out Of Your Own Way

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  • “If you don't have what it is that you want in your life, there is one reason and one reason alone that you don't yet have it. You haven't become the person yet that fulfills that outcome.”
  • “We can all get in our own way. And when we do that, intuition's not able to nudge you in the direction of fulfilling that which you want to create.”
  • “Give yourself permission today to get out of your own way, to go back to being a beginner.”
  • If you’re looking for tips on how to get out of your own way, this episode is for you.
  • Watch the video to get the full training.






 Full Transcript:


[The following is the full transcript of this episode of Joey’s Performance Tune Up With Joey Klein. Please note that this episode, like all episodes, features Joey speaking unscripted and unedited. This video is captured in one take.]


All right, so let's get a bit honest with why it is that you don't have in your life that which you don't have. And today's the day that you make a change and stop being so self important, right? Like, I understand that you are the center of your universe because you are basically who you live with all day, every day. But if you don't have what it is that you want in your life, there is one reason and one reason alone that you don't yet have it. You haven't become the person yet that fulfills that outcome, and you haven't taken the actions yet that warrant you to have that result. And so if you don't have the result that you want in your life yet, you're not living the vision for life that's possible for you, you are the reason for that and nothing else. Meaning, it's not because you don't have the right opportunities, it's not because of the past that you potentially keep blaming. It's not anything or anyone in your life that is keeping you from the outcome that is possible for you, other than yourself. 


We can all get in our own way. And when we do that, intuition's not able to nudge you in the direction of fulfilling that which you want to create. And so the relationship to have with vision, the relationship to have with your outcome that you want to fulfill is, this is what I'm committed to and I must fulfill it no matter what. And I'm willing to do that which is required in order to attain it. And then we've got to get out of our own way. You've got to decide that you're not that self important and that you lack the intelligence, current state, to fulfill the outcome in which you want to create. You're not yet capable of that. And if we acknowledge that, we accept that, it puts us into a humble place with ourself of learning, of being willing to be open to new actions, new ideas, new execution, and then we get out of our own way. 


And so give yourself permission today to get out of your own way, to go back to being a beginner, humble yourself a bit, and simply orient around one key thing. What is the next best step I can take toward fulfilling my outcome and my vision? And surround yourself with the people who already have the results in which you want to get. And instead of constantly defining why it is you can't do what they do, or why it is it's not right for you, or why their way won't work for you, eliminate all that and just accept the reality, which is this makes me uncomfortable, and if I listen to that discomfort, it's going to cost me the life I could live. And instead of that, I'm going to pay attention to what it is they do, and I'm going to start implementing it for myself. 


Give yourself permission to own this for yourself, and it'll be a huge step toward fulfilling that which it is you want to create. So make today the day that you make yourself not as important as you have in the past, and let your beliefs become a little less important, your perspective of life be a little less important, cling to that with much less veracity than you have in the past, let it go entirely, and decide today is a day you reinvent yourself.