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Joey Klein Of Inner Matrix Systems Explores Thoughts, Beliefs & Values

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  • “If you want the exact outcome and experience of your life now and into the future, then there is no need to change your thoughts or beliefs. But if you are looking for a change or an uplevel, then it simply makes sense that your thoughts and beliefs must evolve as well.”
  • It’s imperative that we evaluate our belief structures. Is the belief taking us towards what we want and supporting us to create those outcomes? Or is the belief holding us in place, or in some cases, taking us in the opposite direction? 
  • “Defend and hold on to only the beliefs that are creating the life you want and deserve for yourself.”
  • If you’re looking for tips on how to create thoughts, beliefs, and values that lead you towards vision, this episode is for you.
  • Watch the video to get the full training.





 Full Transcript:


[The following is the full transcript of this episode of Joey’s Performance Tune Up With Joey Klein. Please note that this episode, like all episodes, features Joey speaking unscripted and unedited. This video is captured in one take.]


In this session, we're going to talk about thoughts, beliefs and values, the importance of them and how to sort of reconstruct them relative to what you want to create and the importance of that. And also, where do these things come from in the first place? Right. If you interact with the average human being today, they will want to defend whatever position they hold, right, as people call it today, like speaking my truth and all this kind of stuff, which can be fine as long as you're living the life exactly as you want to live it today and into the future. So if there is nothing about your life that you want to see improve, there's no outcome that you want to achieve beyond what you currently have, then hold on to your thoughts, beliefs and your values exactly as they are and be relentless in the protecting of those. However, if you want to see an evolution of your life, you want to reinvent yourself, you want to see transformation occur. You want to fulfill something beyond what you have ever been able to do before. Then you're going to have to evolve your thoughts, your beliefs and your values. 

And so it's so important to understand that we all have a natural inclination to defend wherever we are. If somebody has a different belief than us, we tend to want to argue with them as opposed to listen to their perception. We want to defend our belief and make our stance right. And therefore everybody else's stance who is different than ours is inherently wrong. And in my opinion, we're missing an important element if that's the way we're going through the world, right is I'm right, other people are wrong, or what is right? What is wrong? Like, I would recommend a different way of evaluating, right. And the whole point is if that's the way we're going through the world, we don't actually have a way to evaluate our thoughts, beliefs and values even when they need a change. Now, if we get clear on what we want to create, hey, I want a different financial reality for myself. I want to be inside of a different level of health and vitality with my body. I want better relationships in my life. I want my relationships to improve. I want to create a new level of success in my business or a hobby that I engage in. 

Or maybe just want to be happier. Like, you're not very happy each day and you're struggling to get through the day and you're anxious and you're overwhelmed and all that kind of stuff. It's because of your thought, beliefs and values. Like those are the origin  stress in the most fundamental way.  if we understand why we're stressed or where real overwhelm comes from, a lot of times it's anchored in the way we're perceiving the world, which is held in place by our thoughts, beliefs, and values. And so  we start going, okay, I wanna make, you know, twice the amount of money I make right now, or I want better health, or we name any outcome that we wanna achieve beyond where we are, and then we start looking at our thoughts, beliefs and values. With that as our context, you start to understand that, hey, man, this belief I'm holding is not productive for what I wanna achieve. 

Money doesn't grow on trees. Like, I heard that growing up, right? A lot of us heard that phrase, hey, is that going to fuel financial confidence? And is that going to support me to building wealth? Like, the obvious answer is no. But yet, if we have a sense of belief in that, and we're invested in that belief and we're not willing to change it, well, it's going many belief constructs or values that are going to keep us from building wealth. So what's more important, being right or wealthy? Being right or being happy, being fulfilled and being in the best experience of life you've ever had, like, you can't have both, right? You've got to make yourself right as an alignment of your outcome that you want to achieve. And so, for me, I'm not a, you know, I don't mind so much if other people have a difference of opinion than me. 

Matter of fact, I like to leverage others opinions. And I'm always inquisitive and I always ask the question, hey, is their framework, is their belief, is their value more productive than mine for producing my outcome that I want to achieve or that I want to maintain? If it is, I adopt it. If it isn't, I say, no, thank you. I let them hold on to it. I don't need to debate with them about why I'm holding my framework and why they're holding their framework. I just need to understand is who I'm being each day with myself, taking me to where I want to go. And if we really understand where thoughts, beliefs, and values came from, they didn't come from you in the first place. They came from your past, your caregivers, your environment. And you adopted those thoughts, beliefs, and value systems and the ones that you inherently believe as true or occur to you as real are because they're tied to a strong emotion. You eliminate the emotion, and now it's just a thought, right? 

The world is flat. Like for most people, that's just a thought. Like, we understand the world's not flat. But yet there's still some people out there who have a strong emotional investment in the idea that the world's flat, right? And that belief is real and true for them, even though it's nonsense, right? And so it's like, how many beliefs are we holding that are utter nonsense simply because we have an emotional investment in it? And, man, if all of a sudden we let that change, we could go sailing. Like you could do things because the belief would open you up to new possibilities. If you understood the reality of the world as an example, you could leverage that. Okay, and so, thoughts, what's the difference between a thought, a belief, and a value? Is simply the emotional intensity we tie to each. 

If it's just a thought that comes and goes, there's not a strong emotional tie to that. A belief has a little stronger emotional tie to it. We're less willing to let that belief shift, change and evolve. We're more likely to debate that belief and hold on to it. And then if it's a value, it's really just a thought construct, just like a thought is. Just like a belief is. We just tie a lot stronger emotional investment to the value because it's more of our, it's more kind of who we relate to as our identity. And so thoughts, beliefs and values become our identity. So if you want to create a new reality for yourself, you want to transform your life. The first step to doing that is to take on a new identity. And then as you  a new identity, you're going to get new results because you're going to think different, you're going to have different beliefs, you're going to take on different values, which are then going to change your decision making process. It's going to make available new choices, new actions, new opportunities that until we reinvent ourself in this way, we take out a new identity we don't even have access to. 

And so please, I encourage you to start evaluating your beliefs and see which one should you own is yours and which one should you say, hey, I took that on from my environment or from a friend or a family member who meant well, but it's never going to take me to the outcome result I want. So I'm going to let that go and I'm going to start replacing it with a belief that is more who I want to be, aligned with the identity of who I want to become, the experience of who I want to become and the life I want to create. And if you consciously construct your thoughts, your beliefs and values relative to the life you want to live and create, then you're going to have that life and you're going to live it and you're going to create it because that is the bridge from where you are to where you want to go is initially changing your identity through changing your thoughts, your beliefs and values. Because our identity and our thoughts, beliefs and values are kind of like they're linked. They're one in the same. 

And so have the courage to change who you are. Adopt some new thoughts, beliefs and values, test them, measure them to who you want to become, the life you want to create, the outcomes, results you want to get and have that be sort of the north star that you leverage to determine if a belief has value or not as opposed to I just have a strong feeling about it and so I hope this was helpful and we'll see you again soon.